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Ceva mărunt

host Sergiu Floroaia, Toma Alexandru, Sorin Pârcălab & Cristi Popesco

Toma and Sergiu have created the ‘’Ceva mărunt’’ project that includes a webcomic, stand-up comedy shows, roasts, funny sketches, a wonderful podcast and a lot of other things.

The comedians are now joined by their colleagues: Sorin Pârcălab and Cristi Popesco. They have uploaded some more of their projects on YouTube, where they have garnered over 25 million views.

Sergiu is a stand-up comedian for about 13 years. Head comedy writer at Comedy Central’s Evening Show. Ex-morning show host at Kiss FM. Co-host of this podcast.

Toma is a creative artist, proficient in a wide range of (very different) fields, driven by the desire to innovate. His expertise include graphic design, 3D modelling, animation, writing, storytelling, public speaking, comedy and programming.

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Average audience per episode

2.2k (listeners)

27k (YT views)

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